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Clown Doll from my youth

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Clown Doll from my youth Empty Clown Doll from my youth

Post  tacoes Tue Jul 30, 2013 12:42 am

When I was young my grandparents had this clown doll that they had upstairs in the toy closet. That thing always creeped me out when I went up to the closet to get hot wheels or something, so I'd always put it somewhere I couldn't see it. Well one day my cousin, who always liked to scare me when I was little, told me that the clown doll would come to life at night and kill people. So one night I'm sleeping in the guest bedroom of my grandparents' house and I wake up in the middle of the night because I got hungry and had to pee. So I go pee, then go to the kitchen to get a snack. As I'm getting a snack I hear something fall upstairs and footsteps; now I know this wasn't my grandparents because their room is downstairs as well as the guest bedroom, and I also know no one else was in the house but me and my grandparents. So anyway hearing this and remembering the story my cousin told me about the clown doll that was in the closet I noped so hard and ran back to my room, covered my head with my pillow and never stepped foot into that toy closet again.

Posts : 183
Reputation : 6
Join date : 2012-11-15
Age : 31

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